
Veloforte's founding belief is that everyone should have access to exceptional quality, delicious, real food to fuel their active lifestyle & endurance exercise. Veloforte products are based on an ancient Italian food called Panforte which is a delicious blend of fruits, nuts and spices and is a speciality of Siena in Tuscany. The original Panforte was held in high regard not only as a delicious food but also as a cure, a fortifying mix that could restore health & vitality, by virtue of the presence of its spices. Today Veloforte bars very closely resemble the ancient Panforte recipe, the nuts have been chopped more finely & the Brandy has been swapped for freshly squeezed citrus juices, but essentially, what powered the Romans is what will power you.
Veloforte Solo Natural Electrolyte Powder
Solo Natural Electrolyte PowderRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Molto Recovery Shake - Single Sachet
Veloforte Molto Recovery Shake - Single SachetRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Mela Energy Chews
Veloforte Mela Energy ChewsRRPView all Energy & Hydration GelsVeloforte Passo Electrolyte Powder - Single
Veloforte Passo Electrolyte Powder - SingleRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Cappo Protein Super-Shake
Veloforte Cappo Protein Super-ShakeRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Vita Recovery Shake - Single Sachet
Veloforte Vita Recovery Shake - Single SachetRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Nova Recovery Shake - Single Sachet
Veloforte Nova Recovery Shake - Single SachetRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Energy Chews
Veloforte Energy ChewsRRPView all Energy & Hydration GelsVeloforte Mocha Protein Bar
Veloforte Mocha Protein BarRRPView all Energy BarsVeloforte Classico Energy Bar
Veloforte Classico Energy BarRRPView all Energy BarsVeloforte Vivo Natural Electrolyte Powder
Vivo Natural Electrolyte PowderRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Attivo Natural Electrolyte Powder
Attivo Natural Electrolyte PowderRRPView all Sports Energy DrinksVeloforte Zenzero Energy Bar
Veloforte Zenzero Energy BarRRPView all Energy BarsVeloforte Forza Protein Recovery Bar
Veloforte Forza Protein Recovery BarRRPView all Energy BarsVeloforte Avanti Energy Bar
Veloforte Avanti Energy BarRRPView all Energy BarsVeloforte Di Bosco Energy Bar
Veloforte Di Bosco Energy BarRRPView all Energy BarsVeloforte Ciocco Energy Bar
Veloforte Ciocco Energy BarRRPView all Energy Bars